SBCHK 會員守則

  1. 本會並非交友園地,亦不是一個尋找SP或SL的地方,反之,我們會保障各人的私隱,極力阻止參加者的聯絡資料外洩,除得會長同意,否則會員間不可私下聯絡,影響他人,在其他論壇亦不應私下通訊,亦不應詢問其他會員從何得知本會。嚴禁在論壇任何地方留下任何通訊軟件或電話等聯絡資料。亦請不要對任何人說出以下話語:
    「你/妳幾號電話?WeChat/Line/Telegram係? 」

  2. 嚴禁在論壇任何地方(包括動後感)寫出活動地點及日期(包括星期幾),亦不應詢問其他會員會否出席及是否報名。

  3. 請勿帶備任何攝錄器材到場,所有手提電話鏡頭,必須於入場時由工作人員貼上貼紙,離場後方可除去。手提電話會由工作人員集中保管,如在活動內需要使用手提電話通話,必須由工作人員陪同,及不應把鏡頭對向他人,引起誤會。

  4. 活動中,別人正在歡好的時候,請勿作出騷擾性行為,例如強行加入,近距離觀看或發出聲響騷擾。不聽從工作人員指示,騷擾工作人員、影響活動運作和秩序,或別人已作出拒絕的表示,仍執意親近,輕則警告,重則會被驅趕離場。

  5. 活動中一些行為如不能接受,請講「NO」,因為其他說話很難介定,例如「唔好」「停呀」,其他人可能誤會為「唔好停呀」。參加者在活動中,可在互相同意及自願的大前題下,自由選擇對手及人數,但緊記任何人也有權說「NO」,所以當聽到對方説「NO」的時候,應立即停止。

  6. 進行性行為或使用性玩具時(例如震蛋),必須使用避孕套,嚴禁向對方提出不使用的要求,而女士們亦有責任檢查男方有否帶上避孕套,方可讓其進入。口交或用手指插入時是否使用,則由參加者自行決定。

  7. 除會長/主持人/工作人員外,不應向外回覆有關本會的事務,以免不盡不實,惹人誤會。

  8. 不應將太私人的事情告知其他會員,或在壇上公開,貼相亦應注意背景、身上特徵及飾物,以免親友認出,以電腦加工遮蓋臉部的相片亦不應貼出,以防被解碼。

  9. 不論在壇上或活動,都應對其他人士以禮相待、互相尊重。

  10. 活動前和期間不能攜帶或服食違禁藥物和毒品。

  11. 不應攜帶貴重物品到場,私人物品如有遺失,本會恕不負責。

  12. 勿使用真人或與性有關的相片作為論壇頭像,亦不應放入[個人簽名]內。(例如成人漫畫圖片)

  13. 主持人有權停止參加者會籍或要求參加者離開活動現場而毋須作出任何解釋及退款。

  14. 所有參與活動的會員不論男女,每年都必須根據本會有關性健康檢查項目進利檢測,並提供檢查報告,方可參加活動。

  15. 會員間不應作出任何介紹,以防發生不必要的麻煩,例如找工作,去那裏影相…等等,更嚴禁向會員借錢。

  16. 當女士為男士口交的時候,男士如有想射精的感覺,應立即停止並抽出陰莖,絕不能在未得女士同意的情況下,在女士口內射精,或射在其身體上,一時忍不住絕對不是藉口。

SBCHK Rules and Regulations

  1. SBCHK is not a place to make friends, and definitely not a place for anyone to look for a sex partner or sex slave. In fact, we aim at protecting everyone’s privacy by preventing any leakage of our member’s contact information. Members are prohibited to contact each other off the club without the consent of the SBCHK Administator. Members should not do anything to affect others’ personal life, to keep contact in other forums, nor to ask questions as to how they know about SBCHK. Members should never leave any kind of contact information such as any of your social media account or phone number in any section of the forum. Members should try not to ask any of the followings, such as:-
    “Where else can I see you?”
    “May I have your phone number (WeChat, Whatsapp, Line etc.)?”
    “How can I contact you?”
    “Where do you hang out usually?”
    “How about if I leave a message in XX forum, and then you can send me a private message?”
    Any intention to contact each other or any act of violating member’s privacy will be treated as an offense.

  2. Members are prohibited to write down neither the venue nor the date of our activity/event (including in the [Activity Feedback] section). Members should never ask each other whether they will enroll or attend the any of the event.

  3. Members should not bring any recording equipment to the venue. All mobile phone cameras have to be covered with stickers by our club executives on arrival, and can be taken off after leaving the venue. Mobile phones will be collected and safe-guarded by our executives. If anyone needs to use the phone during the event, one should talk to our executive for the phone and should never use the camera to point at any of the member to avoid any misunderstanding.

  4. During the event when others are making out, please try not to disturb the others by doing any of the following such as, join in without asking, watch people making out up-close or make disturbing noises. Members will get a warning or will even be asked to leave our venue if any of the followings is violated, based on the severe of the situation:-
    · Disobey the instructions of our executives
    · Disturbing our executives
    · Affecting the orderly of our event
    · Try to get intimate even after being rejected

  5. Please say [NO] to any unacceptable act by the other members during the event. If not, it will be difficult to judge otherwise, for example phrases like [Don’t] or [Stop], someone else may have heard [Don’t stop]. With a neutral agreement, participants are allowed to choose their partners and the number of partners during the event. Everyone has the right to say [NO]. So if you hear someone say [NO], you should stop immediately.

  6. Condoms are to be used during intercourse or playing with sex toys such as vibrators. Members are prohibited to ask your partner(s) not to wear condoms. Ladies are responsible to check whether our gentlemen have the condoms worn properly before entering. On the other hand, it will be a free choice when having oral sex and fingering.

  7. Besides talking to our club executives, members should never talk to any outsiders on our club’s matters to avoid any ambiguous situation that may lead to any misunderstanding of SBCHK.

  8. Members should be warned not to disclose personal matters to other members, neither face-to-face nor on the forum. Members should also pay attention to the background, obvious body marks or features and accessories when posting pictures on our forum, to prevent friends, relatives, or even family members from recognizing. Digitally-masked pictures are also dangerous to be posted as there could be algorithms to reverse your masked pictures.

  9. Members shall respect with each other and treat other members with courtesy in forum and activity at all time.

  10. Illegal drug is NOT allowed to take before the activity and bring to the activity.

  11. Please do not bring any valuable items to the activity. SBCHK will not be responsible for any lost of personal belongings.

  12. Do not use personal photo or image that other members may recognize your identity as profile picture.

  13. The administrator reserved the right to terminate the membership or request the participant to leave the activity immediately without any written notice or explanation. All deposit paid will be non-refundable.

  14. ALL members MUST comply with the STD checklist requested by SBCHK on a regularly basis.

  15. Member shall aware the discussion topic to avoid any undesirable trouble. Topics such as product sales, job recruitment, the place of photo taking, etc. are not recommended. Borrow money from other member is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Offender will be terminated the membership immediately.

  16. All male members MUST remove the penis immediately before they want ejaculation during blow job. It is STRICTLY PROHIBITED mouth ejaculation or ejaculation on any part of female body without the lady agreed to. Member committed will receive warning and may be terminated the membership or requested to leave the activity immediately.