帳戶分類和涉及範圍 Account Status & Access Level

The following is the fundamentals & access permission of each account status.


  • 一般新登記的人仕。以往從未加入過SBC的人仕。純粹好奇想了解SBC多一點的人仕。
  • 可涉及的資料範圍包括:「動後感」,「加入我們成為SBC一份子」。
  • 以上區分已包含有關SBCHK的最新資訊,會員的活動點滴。
  • 遊客可以留言。


  • the newly registered individuals. People who has not joined SBC prior to the launch of our mobile app. People who is curious and would like to know SBC better.
  • Sections and information that are granted: 「Memories」,「How to join SBC」
  • these sections reveal the core information and news regarding our current status, members' experience and the culture of our group.
  • Visitor can create new post & reply on those permitted sections.


  • 一些重新登記並有留過言的舊有會員。一般曾提交過會員申請表但因某些原因未獲通過審批的人仕。一般只熱心留言但沒有出席過活動的舊有會員。一般曾出席過但最近數年都無再出席活動的舊有會員。一些表明只能參與電子平台的熱心人仕。
  • 可涉及的資訊範圍包括:「公告分享」,「動後感」,「城市論壇」,「會員之家」,「加入我們成為SBC一份子」。
  • 齋吹水會員可以留言。


  • re-registered individuals from our old website who used to participate on our forum. Individuals who have submitted application form but are rejected due to certain reasons. Old members who are only active on forum but never participate in our parties. Old members who have not been participating in recent years. Fans of SBCHK who are only able to take part on the app.
  • Sections and information that are granted:
    「Announcements」,「Memories」, 「The Forum」, 「Members' Residence」&「How to join SBC」
  • Chit-Chatter can create new post & reply on those permitted sections.


  • 一般已提交會員申請並獲通過的人仕。一般被邀請加入並通過批核的人仕。一般有定期參與活動的人仕。
  • 可涉及的資訊範圍包括:「公告分享」,「活動時間」,「會員自拍」,「動後感」,「城市論壇」,「會員之家」,「加入我們成為SBC一份子」。
  • 活動會員可以留言。
    「Party Member」status
  • Individuals who have been approved through application. Individuals who are being invited and are approved through application. Members who are actively take part in our parties.
  • Sections and information that are granted:
    「Announcements」, 「Activity Schedule」, 「Members' Photo」, 「Memories」, 「The Forum」, 「Members' Residence」&「How to join SBC」
  • Party Member can create new post & reply on those permitted sections.