情侶申請表 女仕申請表 男仕申請表


想要成為SBCHK的一份子 (Swinger Bliss Club) 要申請成為一位合資格的參加者是完全免費的, SBCHK 不會收取任何形式的會費 SBCHK 是一個純玩樂的群組,每次活動費用均由出席活動的男會員承擔

第一步 : 登記網上戶口 – 開啟SBC網頁版或手機版 – 用一個簡單易記的名稱作為你的登記名字 – 避免使用有可能透露你個人身份的名稱以保障你個人私隱。絕對不能使用真名,社交平台用戶名稱,電子郵箱或近似電子郵箱的名稱,編碼,或電話號碼。

第二步 : 遞交申請表 – 詳細閱讀並同意為保障會員私隱而訂立的一切會規及活動指引 – 於網上下載會員申請表格,並一併遞交到指定的主持人telegram.

申請表必須包括 :-
(甲) 一張正面照片 (為主持人用作識認出席活動的會員
(乙) 一張頸以下的裸照,不要露樣 (申請完畢後會徹底銷毀)
(丙) 年齡證明 (必須年滿18歲)

第三步 : 性健康檢查
– 會員申請獲批後,會員必須自費進行每年一次的性健康檢查。檢查項目可向主持人或於會網查詢。
– 提交性健康檢查報告並通過所有檢查項目後,才真正成為合資格會員,並可參加SBC所有活動。Play wild, play safe!

如有任何問題,可通過Telegram直接查問主持人Kush Telegram ID: kush_sbc

成為正式會員的即享福利 申請成為SBCHK正式會員,你可即時享有以下福利:

1. 可進入只有正式會員才能見到,令大家在日常繁忙工作中,得到一些視覺刺激的「會員自拍區」。

2. 亦可進入另一個只有正式會員才能見到,能勾起過去活動的一些美好回憶的「活動相片及影片區」。

3. 正式成為會員,當然可以見到我們的「活動時間表」,方便大家安排時間和直接網上報名參加活動。

Procedure to join SBCHK (Swinger Bliss Club) To become an eligible member at SBCHK is absolutely FREE. SBCHK is a group for pure fun and excitement. Guys share the cost of each party they participate in, it’s that simple.

Step 1 : Create an Account
– Go to SBC web site or mobile version.
– Use an easy-to-remember name for your login. Keep the name you use SIMPLE.
– Avoid using names that may reveal your true identity for your protection. So please DO NOT use your real name, social media account name, email or email-resemblance name, code, or phone number.

Step 2 : Applying for Membership – Read the rules and regulations that are set for the purpose of protecting members’ privacy.
– Download the application form and submit to the host. Your application must contain:-
(a.) A facial photo (for recognizing who you are when you go to the party)
(b.) A nude photo of your body from neck down, do not show your face (delete after approval)
(c.) Proof of age (must be 18 or above)

Step 3 : Body Check for STDs – Once your application is approved, you are required to conduct a body check for STDs. Items that are required to be tested will be given by the host. – Upon passing all tests, you are eligible to participate in our parties. Play wild, play safe! For questions, please contact Kush the host through Telegram. Telegram ID: kush_sbc

Instant Benefits of being an Approved SBCHK Member Once your application of being an approved and official SBCHK member, you can enjoy the following benefits right away:
1. You have access to the hidden section that is only available for our official members — “Members’ Photo Corner”. A very seductive section where members’ selfies can comfort us during our busy day at work.

2. You also have access to yet another hidden section – “Photo and Video Gallery” where it brings back good memory of our past activities.

3. As an official SBCHK member, “Activity Schedule” is obviously something you are looking for. You can see our party schedule and submit your enrolment to the specific party online. Plan ahead your schedule conveniently.