有關SBC / About SBC

Sex Party在外國已流行多時,而在香港這個對性較為保守及敏感的地方,亦已發展了一段時間,無奈真正能加入及參與其中的機會依然寥寥可數,更莫論搞手及活動的質素如何。

而Swinger Bliss Club (SBCHK since 2008)的成立,正正能為一班思想比較開放、對性愛模式勇於嘗試及追求刺激的朋友,帶來了一個安全的參與機會,本會會定期舉辦不同類型活動,而活動當中包括有主題項目和小組活動;有室內,亦有户外,但不論哪種活動形式,開心、刺激、安全、互相尊重及包容,都必會盡在其中。


Telegram ID:kush_sbc

If you are an open-minded individual, tired of searching online to satisfy your desires or wanted to explore something different in the sexual world but worried that you might endanger yourself in the process, look no further. There is now a safe and respectful place awaiting for you.

SBCHK (since 2008) regularly organizes different types of activities, which include themed events and group activities. They will be hosted either indoor and/or outdoor, and we sometimes even take it to the next level to go beyond Hong Kong. Our mission is to provide a fun, exciting, safe and respectful place for our members to enjoy, to release stress and to feel a sense of belonging.

To build a place with non commercial, no pressure, pure enjoyable.

For questions, please contact Kush directly through Telegram.
Telegram ID: kush_sbc